Why did you sign the Clear the Airwaves Project petition?
Scotty Reid Mount, CLEAR THE AIRWAVES!
Gregory Lindsey, “I’m signing this petition in an effort to end counter efforts that incite violence; particularly through violent lyrics being played continuously on our airways.”
Yolanda Garmon, “The lyrics in most rap songs are violent, misogynistic and are detrimental to our children.”
Arlene Jones, “We can do better as a society to not present music that is so detrimental to the developing minds of young people as well as to promote the profanity and profane vulgar language that seems so common in today’s world.”
Deborah Wynne, “Clear the airwaves of vulgar, violent, obscene and soul-destroying music. That music belongs on underground mixtapes not on Commercial Radio. The advertisers should be ashamed.”
Tenda Caldwell, “It needs to be stopped. This toxic, violent, music, should not be in our kids ears when I turn on my car radio.”
Tamulea Miller, “Because it’s needed”
Steven Zwick, “I think glorifying failure is bad for kids.”
Renee Dawson, “We must protect the future!”
Clifton Morgan, “It has to stop. If the radio stations are not part of the solution they are part of the problem!”
Abdallah Hassan, “Because Floyd”
Johnny Johnson, “Needs to be done”
Maurice Joshua, “WE NEED CHANGE IN CHICAGO!!!”
Lee Pearson Jr., “I agree with the cause for petition!”
Darlene Jackson, “It is called programming for a reason. Children are being programmed to do and think the worst things about themselves and their community. IT MUST END.”
Steven Dailey, “The negative perpetuated by the media needs to stop!!”
Server Tavares, “This is definitely needed now more than ever as we create a new paradigm, especially for our youth, Word!”
Kimberly Taylor, “What a woman thinks...so is she.!!!”
Dick Kay, “Black” music is filthy.”
Crystal Duncan, “Black Lives Matter.”
Jennifer Bernatowicz, “Our children, teens, and adults deserve better.”
Cliff Gillespie, “I’d like to more positive content for listeners, especially the young Children.”
Ray King, “This will the change the soundtrack of our lives.”
Yvonne Sanders, “For support to this cause”
Eve Turner, “It’s time to feed young minds more positive messages. Stop pushing the violent misogynistic messengers.”
Dr. Randy Short, “Cut the crap!”
Torrence Perry, “For the benefit of our youth.”
Tonya Burch, “It’s time to stop feeding evil music to our kids.”
Lorna Jackson, “Get the violent songs off the radio.”
Aaron Rich, “Let’s make the world better for our kids!!!!!”
Tiffany Tapley, “Because our children or being programmed to operate on low vibrations due to the music that’s on the airwaves.”
Jonathan Plezures, “Because I wholeheartedly support this, radio stations should be ashamed of themselves playing this garbage knowing that they are peddling towards our youth, none of it n nothing like it should be on any airwaves that kids can listen to.”
Sharon Pate-Martin, “I’m signing because I really don’t want to continue listening to negative disrespectful comments being made toward black women.”
Diane Boyd, “Enough is Enough... No other culture is encouraged to send poison across the airwaves... Prepare and Protect the children!!!”
Tamiko Scott, “I am tired of the messages that are getting to our youth. Unfortunately, they get tainted by what they hear.”
Dwight Taylor, “The conditioning, disrespectful and detrimental music being played across the airwaves must STOP!!!!”
Sandra Jackson, “I’m signing because I know garbage in is garbage out. The very soul of the children are being damaged from early onset in their lives.”
Camille Yarbrough, “Come on Chicago. Your, our, family is being killed. You, we are responsible for stopping it. We deserve better than this. Love you.”
Anthony McDonald, “Music is very influential and the vast majority of the hip hop music airing on Chicago radio stations and radio stations throughout the U.S. is very destructive.”
Dolores Gallegos, “This type of lyrics “ objectify” women and encourage violence, rage, and hate towards others and it must stop.”
Syron Smith, “Past time for change”
Billy Denham El, “New York needs the same thing.”
Walt Wills, “Insanity”
Damani Bowden, “The music played on these most popular radio stations have long been major players in the miseducation of our youth. They need to go.”
L Kilpatrick, “I’m signing bcuz there is a link between what kids are exposed to in terms of ads, recreation, music, tv, etc., and the de/sensitivity to things like violence. So we can concentrate on other factors, we MUST stop radio stations from directing this violence and obscenity towards kids via the radio during the times they KNOW children are listening!!”
Lavon Pettis, “The music is weaponized for murder and mayhem.”
Haki Ammi, “The same thing is happening in Baltimore. This is one reason why Chicago is so violent. It’s about time someone stood up and create the change on every level. Where is Chance the Rapper on this?”
Marc Kelley, “It is time for a change.”
Mary Golden, “We have to protect our children”
Shirley Jackson, “It’s time to clean up this trash music that they have our children listening to. We need to bring back music in the classroom so the kids could learn how to play an instrument and be creative again”
Afubera Rita Rita, “I’m signing this petition because black mind matters.”
NadiaGridap Jones, “Words without action changes nothing. When cops act as criminal, then they should be treated as such.”
Renee Gray, “Yeah, it’s been time to change back the narratives to our music. Yes it may be happening in some of our neighborhoods but now all. No need to glorify the violence drugs and disrespect of our people to the world. The men are pimping out the ladies and the industry pimping the men out. They erased the music that encourages education as a key to your success. We smart as crap, but dumb ourselves down to ‘fit in.’ Always want to follow and ‘fit the description.’ Yeah, change the flow of music to our youths and adults minds. It’s time.”
Trina Bryant, “Our children are listening to negative things will always bring about negative occurrences. It already enough violence in the world I dont need nor want to hear it in music.”
Sam McClary, “The unfair justice towards people of color must end...”
Aija Penix, “Violence is a learned behavior. Muting violence in the airwaves will greatly impact the quality of live for those that listen and it will command artists to be less negligent in their creation of art.”
Andre Clay, “Positive radio programming is important in the urban communities in the United States.”
Tamiko Holt, “YEEEEEESSS!!! Thank you.”